Sir,—has Mrs. Kitkat, One Wonders, Any Idea Of The Extent
by which crop yields are reduced every year by weed seeds that are conveyed by a variety of agents from hedgerows and roadside verges on to farm land ? Does she realise that......
Chemical Warfare
SIR,—Your correspondent, Mr. Richards, states flatly that " selective weedkillers have been used all over the country on fields with only beneficial effects," when naturalists,......
Films And Finance Sir,—your Note Last Week Makes A Number
of statements which may give your readers a misleading impression of the position of the so-called independent producer, and of British film producers generally, which I should......
The Purity Drive
SIR,—It would summarise the discussion in the Purity Drive in respect of books if I were to suggest that Milton's Areopagitica were made compulsory as a text book in all......
Cetters The Editor
BILLY GRAHAM fila,—Thank you for John Betjernan's magni- ficent ruminations on Billy Graham and the Greater London Crusade. His commonsense and warm insight are inspired and......
Bilingualism In Wales
SIR,—I was amused to find a member of my own University admitting his ignorance of Welsh literature, betraying his ignorance of Welsh life and yet prepared to honour us with his......
.cold War For Ever ?
S IR Mr. Beloff's point is a serious one with which space permitting, I should have dealt. A Kremlin quarrel might indeed start, not .ndeed a civil war or.revolution, but a......
Sir,—how Charming And Right Mr. John Betjeinan Is About...
Graham ! A few weeks ago some airmen in my RAF Christian Fellowship asked me to organise a Party to go to Harringay. We went by motor coach last Wednesday. Despite the tiring......