Films And Finance Sir,—your Note Last Week Makes A Number
of statements which may give your readers a misleading impression of the position of the so-called independent producer, and of British film producers generally, which I should......
The End Of Scrutiny As One Who Has Engaged In
public con- troversy with Dr. Leavis, in criticism of certain aspects of his criticism, I should like to add my name to those (no doubt numerous) who have written urging that......
Old People Who Used To Be Called The Middle Classes--whose
means, never large, have been so cruelly reduced by the inflated cost of living that they may now rightly be called the new poor. be occupied by old people able and willing to......
General Templer
SIR,--Thc device of answering chosen snippets from an article in one journal in the columns of another is new to me. Messrs. Peterson and Bartlett's points, such as they arc,......
Need For Such A Version To Take The Place Of
the Authorised Version in our churches and as "an instrument Of evangelisation." If. we admit that the archaic English of the Authorised Version can blur the message when it is......
Ancient Monuments
Sus,—In your paragraph on Howsham Hall, which is in danger of being pulled down, you refer to the Historic Buildings and Ancient Monuments Act, 1953. The classes of build- ings......
Atomic Future Wish The Weight Of The Evidence Were On
the side of Dr. Snow's 'guess ' with which he ended his admirable article last week-- namely, that our horror and fear of atomic weapons will prove our most powerful pro-......