ADMINISTRATIVE and secretarial train- ing for the best posts at St. Oodrlc's Secretarial College, 2 Arkwrtglit Road, London, N.W.3, Ham. 5986.
COMMON ENTRANCE.--Small Couching School. Boys, aged 10 to 14. Individual attention. Exceptional results past ten years, Sea and mountain air. Games. Prospectus frum--Ivor M. Cross. M.A., Cantab (lately Senior Master at Stowe). Barbara K. K. Cross, B.A. Oxon., Laptev Grange, Glandyti, Machynlleth, Wales. Tel.: Clandyti 243.
COMPLETE SECRETARIAL TRAINING and shorter courses for graduates or older students at Davies's White Lodge, 2 Addison Road, W.14. Telephone; Park 4465 DAVIES LAING AND DICK. 7 Holland Park, W.11. Individual tuition for exami- nations. Navy and Army Entrance 1st M.B.; General Certificate at all levels. Tel.; PARk 7437.
EXPERT POSTAI, TUITION for exarnina- tions-Unlversity, Law, Accountancy, Secre- tarial, Clvil Service, Commercial, General Cert. of Education, etc. Also many practical (non-exam.) Courses in business subjects.-Write today for free prospectus, mentioning exam, or subjects in which in- terested to Metropolitan College 10401, St. Albans, or call 30 Queen Victoria St., &C.4. POSTAL TUITION for Gen. Cert. of Educn. (Load., Oat., Camb.. Northn.) London University B.A., B.Sc.. B.Sc.Econ., LL.B.. B.D., and other Degrees, Diplomas, Law Exams., etc. Low fees, Instalments.- Prospectus from C. D. Parker, M.A., LL.D., Dept. B93 Wolsey Hall. Oxford (Eat. 18941. THE MATTHIESEN GALLERY: Paintings and drawings by Jankel Adler. Deft 10-5.30, Rats. 10-1. until April 1511h. 142 New Bond Street, W.I.
W. 0, (MAUCH and John Maxwell and Stelnlen. Two Arts Council Exhibitions. NEW BURLINGTON GALLERIES, Old Burlington Street, W.I. Open till 10 April. Mons. Weds. Eris. Sate. 10-6, Tues. Thurs. 10-8. Admission Is. (to both exhibitions), WHISTLER. An exhibition of Etchings, Dry-Points and Lithographs. Arts Council Gallery, 4 St, James's Square, S.W.1. Open till 27 March. Mons., Weds., Fria.. Sets., 10-6, Tues., Thurs., 10-8. Admission tree.
-,• _ • - -•■
ABBE PIERRE speaks at One World-or none. Greet Public Meeting ht Central Hall, Westminster, on Tuesday, March 30th at 7 p.m. (Doors open 6.30 p.m.). Spea- kers include: Rt. Hon. Clement Davies, M.P., Henry Uaborne, M.P., Signora Cities() Tibaldi (Italy), I. J. Mono), M.P., A. A. Vondeling, M.P. (Holland). Prof. Hugo Osvuld (Sweden). Chairman: Gilbert McAllister. Admission free. Reserved seats 5s. and 2s. 6d. from Parliamentary Association for World Government, 21 Hampstead Lane, Highgate Village, N.8, or Federal Union and Crusade for World Government, 30 Buckingham St., W.C.2. Telephone: TRAfalear. 2275.
PAINFUL EXPERIMENTS ON ANIMALS. Home Office experiments show that, since records were kept, over 28 million experi- ments including over 2 million in 1952, have been performed on living animate in this country. Anion(' lovers are cordially invi- ted to attend a Protest Meeting against the demands for stray dogs and cuts for vivi- section in the Caxton Hall, Caxton Street. Westminster, 8.W.1 on Wednesday, 24th March at 7 p.m. Speakers: Mr. Peter Freemen, M.P., Dr. James Burnet, M.A., LL.B. (Loud.), M.D. F.R.C.P.E., Dr. M.
Beddow Bayly, L.R.C.P., Dr. Douglas Lotto, M.B., Ch.B., M.R.C.0.0. Chairman: Dr. B. P. .Allinson, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. All are welcome. Admission free. Underground Station: St. James's Park. 'Buses: Any passing through Victoria Street.
TIIE GRAMMAR SCHOOL Teacher's Salary. Public Protest Meeting, Friday. March 26th. 7 p.m. Holborn Hall. Gray's Inn Road. Speakers: A. W. S. Hutchings, M.A.. Sec. I.A.A.M.. J. Woolley, M.A., Sec.. Oxford University Appointments Board.