19 MAY 1866, Page 2

One of the most - curious side-points in Mr. Disraeli's speech was

an elaborate compliment to Lord Halifax. "He was perfectly master of the business of the great departments of the State, and there were few who had his quickness of perception." He also praised the late Mr. Hume and the existing Mr. Ayrton, the attraction in each case being the sort of incisiveness of mind which each of the three possessed. They are all just like clever attorneys, and something or other in Mr. Disraeli sympathizes with the clever attorney, the man who tells you points and enables you to do things, and does not worry you either with morals or appeals to the feelings. Mr. Disraeli is said to be one of the kindliest of mankind, but the man who sketched Rigby must have a trace in him of the true attorney. The sympathy of hate is not strong enough to account for so perfect a com- prehension.