Beyond The Church. 3 Vols. (hurst And Blackett.)—this Is An
ambitious attempt, we should think, by a young hand. We have sketches of parsons of every division in the Church, drawn with some humour, but blotchily coloured, and the satire......
The Victoria Magazine. Vol. Vi. (november—april). No. 37....
Faithf ulL) —The Victoria Magazine maintains a respectable position amongst the serials of the day. Its tales and criticism are quite of average merit, and it discusses the......
Index To The Pedigrees Contained In The Printed Heralds'...
By G. W. Marshall, LL.M., Barrister-at-Law. (Hardwicke.)—The Printed Heralds' Visitations are to be distinguished from those in manuscript, which are comprised in the Har'.ei in......
Clarkson Gray And Other Poems. By Mrs. James Morton....
(Nimmo Edinburgh.)—Clarkson Gray has been written to move the Scottish heart to provide a hospital for incurables, and concludes with the following appeal :— " 0 Scotland, hear......
The Parables, Read In The Light Of The Present Day.
By Thomas Guthrie, D.D. (Strahan.)--We open this volume in the middle of the twenty- five pages that are alloted to the parable of the ten virgins, and we find a section which......
Fires, Fire - Engines, And Fire Brigades. By C. F. T. Young,
C.E. With numerous illustrations. (Lockwood.)—In this bulky volume the author gives us the result of the observation of many years. He also gives us a bit of his mind, in the......
We Have Also Received Miss Drury's Clever Novel,...
Chapman and Hall's "Select Library of Fiction," fifth edition ; Miscellaneous Questions, with answers, embracing science, literature, arts, &c., by W. Chambers, F.R.S.E., &e.......