Histoire De France Au 18me Siècle, Louis Xv: Par J.
Blichelet. (Paris : Chamerot.)—The sixteenth volume of M. Michelet's great history, which has just come out, contains the perhaps most scandalous and disgusting thirty-three......
The United States During The War. By Auguste Laugel...
—We are glad to find that M. Laugel has found a competent translator. No more interesting work than his appeared during the whole course of the American straggle. A little......
Alexander Von Hwnboklt ; Or, What Afay Be Accomplished In
a Lifetime. By F. A. Schwarzenberg. (Hardwicke.)--.A. very tiresome apotheosis of a great man. Mr. Schwarzenberg pitches his key so high at the you beginning that he loses his......
Miss Crosby's Matchmaking. 1 Vol. Edited By Maine O'hara....
Crosby is a good-natured bat rather twaddling old maid, who has a wild Irish girl on her hands. She keeps her out of scrapes, and gets her married and settled, not without some......
Current Literature.
The Dogrel& A Domestic Story. By the Viscountess Enfield. I voL (Warne.)--This is very domestic story indeed. It is all about a number of cousins of high degree, who live in the......
The Resources And Prospects Of America. By Sir S. Morton
Pato, Bart., (Strahan.)—Sir S. Pete lies produced a useful volume of statis- tics. As he informs us in the preface, he has avoided all political allu- sions, and has not......
Eastern Gleams. Metrical Essays And Poems On The Gospel...
(Longmans.)—Romances and Minor Poems. By H. Glasaford Bell. (Macmillan.)—We have here two volumes of pleasing verse, but scarcely of a character to interest any one out of the......