The Parables, Read in the Light of the Present Day.
By Thomas Guthrie, D.D. (Strahan.)--We open this volume in the middle of the twenty- five pages that are alloted to the parable of the ten virgins, and we find a section which is entitled "The Sleep of the Virgins," and begins thus : —" The scene is one of repose, no sounds but measured breathing, and by the lamps dimly burning ten forms are seen stretched out in various attitudes, but all locked in the arms of sleep. How unlike sentinels, watchers, persons awaiting a bridegroom's arrival, and ready at any moment for the call to go forth to meet him; they sleep like infants who have nothing to do or care for, or like sons of toil," &c. This is a fair specimen of Dr. Guthrie's style ; wherever we turn, we find this linger-
ing sweetness long drawn out. What constitution can bear this unlimited allowance of eau sucrie? What thought there is in the volume is quite lost in the rhetorical repetitions, and that purl of words upon which sleep descends, as upon the "Umbrosamque ripam Et Zephyr's agitata Tempe."