The intelligence of the week front Atneriesi in unimportant, the
quarrel between the President and Congress continuing without abatement, but with no marked incident. An effort is to be made to piss a Bill over the fresident'a head, greatly limiting his power of making enpninttnente; hut it is nat likely to pass, as the Senate can already refuse any nomination it disapproves. The Fenians are quarre/rmg among themselves, and accuse 011ahatey and Stephens of swindling, while a party of Fenians, headed by one Doran Killian, have seized a British schooner at Eastport called the Wentworth, and sailed _in her for the island. of Grand Meilen. Their idea is to create a quarrel between America and England upon the subject of the fisheries, but as the vessel in known, and they are in the eye of the law simply pirates, they will be readily dealt with. An effort will be made when Stephens arrives to heal all differences, but the faction fight has gone too far, and the Fenian Brotherhood will probably be dissolved. There is some strange disintegrating element in the Irish character which does not seem to exist in any other branch of the Celtic family.