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am greatly indebted to you for the manner in which you have criticized my letter of the 12th inst. Permit me to join issue at once with your statement that I have made myself spokesman for the Brewing Interest. I am far too conscious of my limitations to do anything of the sort, and if you will refer to my previous letters you will find that I have insisted on the fact that they are individual expressions of opinion. You are good enough to ask me a plain question, and before dealing with it, may I with all respect suggest that your method of controversy reminds me of that type of which the question, " When did you leave off beating your wife?" is aclassic example? You ask me am- I or am I not
against the turning of material which could be used for human food into intoxicants. May I reply—(1) That in my opinion beer is of food value, and therefore I cannot admit your contention that all material converted into beer is wasted material. (2) That the point that I have endeavoured to make clear, apparently without success, that the decision rests with the Government, does not justify you or any other responsible editor in shelving that responsibility on to the Brewing interests? In conclusion, may I add that in stating that " Nature teaches beasts to know their friends," the term " beasts" was not intended to convey any lack of deference or respect, since it has an allusion to the electorate of this kingdom, who are more than sufficiently shrewd to deal with any attempt on the part of this or any other Government to introduce a substitution scheme in the presence of the wolves
mentioned in your article?—1 am, Sir, &c., F. P. Warreesse. 36 Hans Place, S.W. 1.