On Tuesday In The Reichstag The German Imperial...
demands from both the Right and the Left that the Govern- ment should disclose their aims in the war by refusing to say any- thing. The Junkers complain that he is controlled by......
The Weekly Return Of British Losses From Submarine...
on Wednesday night, shows a further improvement. The number of railings and arrivals was higher than in the previous week, though not quite so high as in the week before that.......
With Much Pleasure And Pride We Record The Arrival In
British waters of a flotilla of United States destroyers to co-operate with the Navy. Rear-Admiral Sims of the U.S. Navy is in general command of the .American naval forces......
News Of The Week.
T HE news from the Western front is a record of eentinuous counter-attacks during the week delivered by the Germans and successfully resisted by our troops. The weight and fury......
On Friday Week The Germans Attacked Three Times In A
few hours between Lens and Vimy. We were compelled to yield a portion of ground as the result of- the third attack. Sir Douglas Haig diverted some German attention from this......
All This Was Discouraging, But A Great Improvement Came When
the Socialists consented to join the Provisional Government. The composition of this Coalition was annoa need in the papers of Thurs- day. Prince Lvoff is still Prime Minister.......
All That Herr Von Bethmann Hollweg Said On Tuesday Was
a heavy blow to the beliefs of Pacificists. They had persuaded themselves that Germany, having " learnt her lesson," was ready to come to terms. But there is not a trace of this......
The Struggles Of The Russians To Establish Their New...
have been watched with deep sympathy here, and we are glad to say that events point to success in spite of the disappearance or threatened resignation of statesmen and Generals......
We Have To Congratulate Our Italian Allies On The Success
of their new blow on the Isonzo. They have taken not only some important tactical positions, but three thousand three hundred and seventy-five prisoners, including ninety-eight......
The Paper Shortage--we Trust That Readers Of The...
give definite orders to their newsagents for a copy of the " Spectator" to be reserved for them each week till countermanded.......