19 MAY 1917, page 11

Oats And Petrol.

[To site EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."' SIR,—There was an important announcement in the Times last week in reference to the feeding cf horses, to which all true Englishmen will......

Wanted, A Compromise.

(To Tag Barrow or THE " SPELTATOVI am greatly indebted to you for the manner in which you have criticized my letter of the 12th inst. Permit me to join issue at once with your......

Corn Production Bill.

(To THE EDITOR or THE n SPECTATOR.") SIR,—I observe that you call attention in your issue of the 5th inst. to an account given in a letter by Mr. J. Hay Thorburn in the Morning......

Working Men And The Drink Traffic.

(To THE EDITOE OF THE " SPECTATOR."' SIR,—I am sorry to see you still persist in repeating that calumny about the working man being responsible for the drink traffic being......

National Land Council's Appeal For Summer Workers.

(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIE,—The Land Council wish it to be known that they are now appealing for five thousand strong women willing to take up the summer season's......

The Albert Hall Meeting.

tTo THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] have pleasure in enclosing copy of the two resolution.; to be moved at the meeting at the Albert Hall next Saturday "That, in order to avert......


(To EDITOR or THE '" SPECTATOR."1 Sie,—Mr. Atkins's collier would doubtless regard with the utmost respect the opinion of a Republican like Garibaldi on the above. subject. Here......