[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] Stre,—May I call the attention of your clerical readers to the suggestion which the Principal of St. John's Hall, Durham 'University, makes in the Record (May 3rd) that those clergy who are willing to support the Dean of Durham's plea that the Bishops should be asked formally to grant permission for interchange of pulpits, and who would themselves gladly act on the permission, should send their names for publication in the Record (2 Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, E.C. 4)? It is, I think, becoming abundantly clear that the urgent problem of Christian unity will receive no solution unless words of goodwill are backed by definite action along the lines of Christian fellowship. If those who are in earnest in this matter will nail their colours to the mast they will not, I am convinced, lack the sympathy and support of the
nation.—I am, Sir, &c., H. F. Wasza. 21 Blenheim Road, St. .41bans.