READABLE NOVELS.—Contraband. By Randall Parrish. (Eveleigh Nash. 5s.)—An account of
the adventures of a party of people who go for a cruise on a yacht in the early days of the war.— Teddy, R.N.D. By Edith Mary Moore. (Hodder and Stoughton. 5s.)—A sentimental but rather pleasing sketch of a boy and his mother.—In the Wilderness. By Robert Hichens. (Methuen and Co. 6s.)—The story of a married couple on whom falls a disastrous and accidental blow of fate. The woman, who has a mystical side to her character, finally triumphs over the " defects of her qualities " and effects the salvation of her husband, from whom she has separated. The volume is written with all Mr. Hichens's usual subtlety and dexterity, and Constantinople—in the days of Abdul-Hamid—forms the background for a large part of the book.