[Notice in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent review.]
Enforced Peace. (New York : League to Enforce Peace.)—This little reprint of the proceedings of the first annual assembly of the League to Enforce Peace, held at Washington last May, is an historic document for more reasons than ono. A year ago the many eminent Americans who formed the League and whose speeches are reported in the book seem to have been quite sure that, whatever America might do to prevent another war, she would not be called upon to take part in this war. President Wilson's speech, which was not clearly understood at the time in England, will be found by those who read it again to lay great stress on the guilt of the Powers who " suddenly and out of secret counsels " plunged Europe into war, because if there had been any warning of what was intended America might have caused the plotters to pause and change their minds. " Our own contribution," ho said, "to the counsel which might' have averted the struggle would have been considered worth weighing and regarding. "—The American League to Enforce Peace. By C. R. Ashbee. (Allen and Unwin. 2s. 6d. net.) —Mr. Ashbee attended the first meeting of the League in 1915 and is in cordial sympathy with its programme, on which he comments in this little book. He says that Viscount Grey was asked in 1915 " What is the moral support of the United States worth towards the saner, the more idealistic settlement of Europe I " and that he replied : " It might be infinite if it were only effective," adding that the Americans themselves must find out how to make it effective. They have found out now.