What the Nationalists, with the views of the Sinn Feiners
on the one side and the majority of the Roman Church on the other, will say to this proposal, we shall not attempt to guess. Again, we shall express no opinion whatever as to the way.in which the people of North-East Ulster should respond to the Prime Minister's letter. The matter is one for their decision alone. If they find a proper measure of justice and security in the proposal, then there will be no persons in the United Kingdom more delighted at the settlement of the Irish question than those responsible for the conduct of the Spectator. If, however, the men of North-East Ulster, who alone remember, will be the sufferers by a false decision, feel that the proposed scheme would be to their undoing, then we are not going to be so callous or so mean as to try to cajole or coerce- them into a settlement. They, and they alone, must decide without external interference on either side, either to accept or reject the Prime Minister's proposals.