r rf I a nt ation
WE, being persuaded that the abstention from all nn- necessary consumption of grain will furnish the surest and most effectual means of defeating the devices of Our enemies and thereby bringing the war to a speedy and successful termination ;
And out of Our resolve to leave nothing undone which can contribute to these ends or to the welfare of Our people in those times of grave stress and anxiety ; Have thought fit by and with the advice of Our Privy Council to issue this Our Royal Proclamation, most earnestly exhorting and charging all those of Our loving subjects, the men and women of Our realm who have the means to procure articles of food other than wheat and corn, as they tender their immediate interests and feel for the want of others, especially to practise the greatest economy and frugality in the use of every species of grain ;
And We do for this purpose more particularly exhort and charge all heads of households to reduce the consumption of bread in their respective families by, at least one-fourth of the quantity consumed in ordinary times ; To abstain from the use of flour in pastry, and moreover carefully. to restrict, or wherever possible to abandon, the use thereof in all other articles than bread; And Wedo also in like manner exhort and charge all persons who keep horses to abandon the practice of feeding the same on oath or other grain, unless they shall have received, from Our Food Controller a licence 4o feed horses on oats or -other grain„ to be given only in cases where it is necessary to .do so with a view to maintain the breed of horses in the national interest ;
And We do hereby further charge and enjoin all ministers of religion in their respective churches and chapels within Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to read or cause to bo read this Our Proclamation on the Lord's Day for four successive weeks after the issue thereof.
. Given at Our Court of Buckingham Palace .this second day of May in the year of Our Lord 1917, and in the seventh year of Our Reign.
cBob Save tin- sting.