A Message from Western Germany
SIR.—Cultural endeavour is one of the best ways to foster understanding and mutual respect between nations. We take the view that culture is truly international because it is understood most readily by different peoples, religions and races. It is our main aim to provide opportunities to get to know the outlook and languages of other communities than our own, to appreciate foreign art and literature, and to achieve a fairer judgement of living conditions and education in various parts of the globe. Barriers between nations are broken down most effectively by a common task.
" Comradeship of Peace " arose spontaneously as an independent group without a rigid programme or any kind of doctrinaire ideolosv. It is a circle of members, mainly of the younger generation, interested in social and artistic questions. Friendship is an adventure in experience and in exchanges of views and thought, and does not require a specific set of rules or a party line. Organic growth, forms of co-operation in the voluntary and liberal sense; and the principle of accountable sovereignty on one's own home ground and functional decentralisation may have little attraction for the mass mind, yet we can well dispense with cheap propaganda. Whether British or French, German or Scan- dinavian, Dutchman, Swiss or Turk, individuals everywhere have to realise that we must unite in sincere work and with good will together with the constructive spirits to counterbalance all varieties of dictatorship.
We are on the look-out for like-minded people wherever they may be, Everyone can help. In times like these the need for people to collaborate in the cultural sphere is especially important. Our publications, too, should be judged in this light. We are only at the beginning, but not necessarily dilettanti. We welcome every new contact to forward the cause of peace ensuring human rights, and comradeship based on liberty and responsibility.—Yours faithfully, ARNFRIED SADDAI,
Chairman, " Comradeship of Peace." 22a Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Weissenburgstr. 27, British Zone, Germany.