False Profits Sta,—in His Most Interesting Article, Fair...
the Spectator of April 28th, Sir Harry Gilpin remarks: "The fair rent to the investor must take into account the real capital represented, as against the nominal capital of the......
A School For Climbers
SIR,—It is a pity that the Derbyshire Education*Committee has not taken advantage , of the opening, which Janus gave it a month ago, to justify its " singular proposal " to......
S1r,—mr. J. P. W. Mallalieu In His Article On The
Cup Final has been brave enough to put into words something that has troubled northern football followers in relation to southern clubs for some time—the seemingly increasing......
Wages And Dividends
Stn,—It seems to be assumed that those who receive dividends as income are the " rich " (if any of these are left). Actually, distributed dividends are paid in small amounts to......
Mr. Davidson's Germany
SIR,—May I suggest that Miss Wiskemann in her review of Germany, What Now ? by Basil 1;tavidson has, well directed though her criticisms are, missed one, essential' point ? This......
A Message From Western Germany
SIR. — Cultural endeavour is one of the best ways to foster understanding and mutual respect between nations. We take the view that culture is truly international because it is......
The Cup Final
SIR,—I always look forward with great pleasure to Mr. Mallalieu's delight- ful accounts of cricket and football matches in the Spectator, but what was.the matter with him at......