A School For Climbers
SIR,—It is a pity that the Derbyshire Education*Committee has not taken advantage , of the opening, which Janus gave it a month ago, to justify its " singular proposal " to......
Letters To The Editor
White and Black telling the British public, as he did in his recent article in the Spectator, that their kinsfolk in Southern Rhodesia are pursuing a policy regarding Africans......
What The Scots Want
SIR, —What they want is simply a government which is capable of recog- nising that enactments just and workable in London or Manchester are not reasonable in the Highlands and......
Sir,—how Refreshing It Is To Read An Understanding Letter...
Mr. Cotton's : Englishmen of his type are always made to feet at home with us. To " the wretch," on the other hand, who not only does not burn at the thought of returning to his......
Road And Rail Charges
SIR,—You are right in saying• that " the Government had no idea of the troubles it was imposing upon itself," when it nationalised the railways. Even now, to judge from speeches......