19 NOVEMBER 1853, Page 10

Some time since a plan was propounded for the remodelling

of the Bir- mingham Philosophical Institution, developing its educational scope by the addition of a school of industrial science, and calling it the Midland Institute. The plan was so far approved by the Corporation of Bir- mingham, that they granted the Institute "the whole side of a street by the Town-ball, containing two thousand square yards of surface, and valued at 10,0001." A meeting, attended by several thousand persons, was held in the Town-hall on Thursday, to promote the success of the Institute and make known its claims on the public. The chair was oc- cupied by Captain Tindal; and among the speakers were Sir Robert Peel, Mr. William Scholefield M.P., Sir Edward Scott, the Reverend E. H. Gifford, Head Master of the Free Grammar School, the Reverend G. M. Yorke, Mr. Henry Cole, and Mr. P. Holline.