Miss Dolby Has Begun The Series Of Musical Soirees Which
she is in the custom of giving at this season. This lady is a great favourite of the public; for besides her professional merit, her charaater for exemplary life and amiable......
It I R.
The amateurs, attracted to the Wednesday Evening Concert of this week by the announcement of a selection from Mozart's Idomeneo as its principal feature, were a good deal......
Parisian Tiieatricals.
Mademoiselle Caroline Rosati has made her debilt at the Academie Im- periale, in a new ballet, called Jovita, on les Boucaniers. The scene lies in Mexico, and the plot is a sort......
T Quarto.
'The week which has elapsed since the date of our last publication might be called not inappropriately the Week of Good Farces. A famine in the article of via comica, that......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Government Securities have been this week on the ascendant. The notice from the Bank of England altering the discount from 4 to 3 per cent on......