19 NOVEMBER 1853, Page 11



Government Securities have been this week on the ascendant. The notice from the Bank of England altering the discount from 4 to 3 per cent on the payment of the several Petty Stocks due in January, has tended in a great measure to support prices, although it is believed this proposal has been accepted only in a few instances. The severe contest between the Turks and Russians has had but little influence on the Funds: they advanced on Mondayj, when Consols closed 94I 5 for money ; they have since ranged between 94 and 96I. Amongst other rumours during the week causing temporary depression, an early meeting of Parliament has been reported. The news on Wednesday of the defeat of the Russian army and their retreat from Bucharest produced very little effect. On Monday, the arrival of gold from New York amounted to 196,000/. The shipments of silver to China are to be discontinued, as the rate of exchange would not render them desirable. Gold continues to be sent to Paris and to Odessa : the rates of exchange from the latter and St. Petersburg are more unfavourable to England. Today Consols hare been done as high as 95I, but some specula- tive sales have since caused them to recede; the last prices being 94 di for both money and account. Bank and India Stocks have not altered since Saturday. Exchequer Bills have improved 2s.

In Foreign Stocks the transactions have been unimportant ; but prices generally have been firm, except Russian : the Four-and-a-half have de- clined 2, and the Five per Cents 1. The improvement has been Buenos Ayres, 3; Spanish Three per Cents, Sardinian, and Swedish, 1; Spanish Deferred, I; Ditto Certificates, and Mexican, The accounts from Buenos Ayres on Tuesday were favourable. The city remained tranquil ; the elec- tions had passed off without disturbance, and the Sessional Chambers had commenced.

Railways have this week been unusually steady, and upon the whole firm. An advance has occurred in some instances. The arrangement of the Ac- count on Tuesday demands no particular remark. At the close yesterday, the difference in some of the leading lines compared with last Saturday's was to the following extent. Increase—London and South-western, 21.; Great Northern, IL 10s.; Midland, and Scottish Central, 11.; Caledonian, Great Western, Lancashire and Yorkshire, London, Brighton, and South Coast, York, Newcastle, and Berwick, and York and North Midland, 108. Decrease—London and North-western, and South Wales, 108.; Aberdeen, 58. There has been little change this week in the principal Foreign Shares. Luxembourg, and Royal Danish, have improved 108., and Sambre and Meuse, 5s. Today the English and Foreign lines.are rather stronger. The Eastern Counties Com- pany will apply in the next session of Parliament for power to purchase, rent, or use the Norfolk, Eastern Union, East Anglian, and Newmarket Railways, and to arrange traffic or amalgamation with all or any of these. The Preference and other Shares, including those of the mortgage creditors in any of the above companies, will be regulated in the event of an amalga- mation.


The English Funds are rather dull this morning at yesterday's prices, Con- sols being 94-I 54 for Money and '941 6 for Account. Exchequer Bills 4 7 pm. The bullion return by theBank of England shows an increase of 176,568/. Foreign Stocks have not altered. Railways are a little lower ; bargains have been transacted in the following—East Indian, 244; London sad South- western, 77; Midland, 621; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 384; York and North Midland, 482.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced

al per Cents

Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Austrian 5 per Cents Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 44 per Cents Chilian 6 per Cents Danish 5 per Cents

94 51

93 4 9:1 9 6 54 5-16 216 18 4 7 pm.

250 4 ... 93 5 97 9 94 6 100 2 102 4 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian 44 per Cents Ditto Deferred 3 per Cents Portuguese 4 per Cents Russian 5 per Cents Ditto 44 per Cents Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred Sardinian 5 per Cents Swedish 4 per Cents

81 3 63 4 344 54 24 4 ex d. 71 3 49 51 41 3 111 13 96 8 464

214 24 91 3 91 3