The Duke Of Beaufort Died On Thursday, At Badminton, From
an at- tack of gout in the stomach. He was in his sixty-first year. In his youth he served on the staff of the Duke of Wellington, and was for a few months a prisoner of war.......
There Was A Pretty Large Attendance At Mark Lane Yesterday,
and a considerable amount of business done, in some instances on rather better terms than those of last week. The quantity of wheat taken for con- sumption weekly is said to......
It Seems Likely That The Conduct Of Kr. Hugh O'callaghan,
the Dublin Police Magistrate, in the "great tract case," will be carried before the Irish Court of Queen's Bench. On Thursday, Mr. Whiteside applied to the Court for a......
The Morning Advertiser Gives Voice To Some Disappointment...
in- definite postponement of a brevet promotion in the Army. The allusion seems to intimate more than meets the eye ; at all events it reminds us, that on the occasion of a......
Some Time Since A Plan Was Propounded For The Remodelling
of the Bir- mingham Philosophical Institution, developing its educational scope by the addition of a school of industrial science, and calling it the Midland Institute. The plan......
From A Private Letter.
St. Petersburg, 5th November 1863. The political events of the last week have been of a very exciting nature, and have formed a sort of crescendo movement. For the last......
The Packet-ship Solent, With The West India Mails,...
South- ampton yesterday. The principal intelligence is the long-expected meet- ing of the prorogued Legislature of Jamaica. Sir Henry Barkly met both Houses on the 18th October,......