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TEE Queen has been pursuing the quiet round of her usual avocations, walking and riding. She entertained, on Thursday, another illustrious party with theatricals—the Lyceum "Game of Speculation" and "Little Toddlekins."
Prince Albert visited London on Wednesday, and attended at the Trinity House. On Tuesday he inspected the model cottages lately built by the Windsor Royal Association for Improving the Dwellings of the Labouring Classes, The Duke and Duchess of Brabant left Windsor on Sunday, on a visit to Plymouth and Torquay ; and returned on Thursday. The Duke and Duchess d'Aumale visited the Queen yesterday. Lord Elphinstone had an audience of the Queen on Monday. Among the guests of the Queen this week, were the Duchess and Prin- cess Mary of Cambridge, Lord and Lady John Russell, Sir Charles and Lady Mary Wood, Mr. Cardwell, and Lord Clarendon.