The election of a Scotch Representative Peer, in room of the late Lord Saltoun, took place on Wednesday, at Ilolyrood Palace. The following Peers were present—the Duke of Buceleuch and Queensberry, the Duke of Athol, the Earl of Morton, the Earl of Haddington, the Earl of Lau- derdale, the Earl of Selkirk, the Earl of &afield, the Earl of Stair, the Earl of Butchery, and Lord Bony. Signed lists were given in for the Earl of Crawford and Balcones. the Earl of Galloway, the Earl of Kin- tore, Lord Gray of Kinfauns, and Lord Colville of Culross. On the names of the Peers being called, all the Peers present voted for the Earl of &a- field. The Earl of Crawford voted, by signed list, for the Earl of Perth ; but all the other signed lists were in favour of the Earl of &afield ; who was then declared duly elected.
The contested election for the Rectorship of Glasgow University I took place on Tuesday. The Liberal association, desirous of ousting Lord Eglinton before the customary double term of office had expired, put forward Mr. Alfred Tennyson. The result was as follows—in Glot- tiana, Lord Eglinton polled 89 to 91; in Loudoniana, 28 to 28; in Trans- forthiana, 27 to 28; in Rothesiana, 78 to 32; leaving the aggregate numbers 222 for Eglinton, against 179 for Tennyson. It will be seen that Mr. Tennyson carried two "nations," but as the Procurator gave his casting-vote in the third for Lord Eglinton, the candidates were reduced to an equality of nations. The Vice-Rector, Dr. Rainy, then voted for Eglinton also, thus giving him the majority of one nation.
Lord Fullerton, one of the Judges of the Court of Session, has resigned, t on account of ill health.
Although Glasgow has been free from cholera and typhus fever during the present year, the mortality in that city has hitherto been higher than it was in 1848-'9, when the cholera was most fatal. As the working classes are well employed and earning good wages, it is difficult to ac- count for the high rate of mortality. Had the rise of " ld.. on the gill of whisky," recently announced, taken place a leaf age,. 'there might have been a more satisfactory return as to the mortality of Glasgow.