19 NOVEMBER 1859, Page 20


On the 21st of September, at Buenos Ayres, the Wife of Frank Parish, Esq., 11.111.'s Acting Consul General, of a eon.

On the 8th of November, at Flowerfield, Garvag,h, the Wife of S. Lawrence Cox, Esq., J.P. County Londonderry of a son.

On the 9th, at her residence, Rutland Gate, Viscountess Bury, of a daughters

On the 10th, at Riseholme, near Lincoln, the Wife of the Bishop of Lincoln, of a son.

On the 11th, at Spetchley Park, Worcestershire, the Lady Catherine Berkeley, of a son.

On the 12th, at Barnes, the Wife of Professor Athvell, K.O.C., of a daughterk. On the 12th, at 47, Ebury Street, Eaton Square, the Wife of W. Calder Marshall, Esq., R.A., of a son.

On the 13th, at Bath, the Wife of Colonel G. 11. Robertson, C.B., and A.D.C. to the Queen, of a son.

On the 14th, at Skelton Castle, Yorkshire, the Wife of John Thomas Wharton, Esq., of a son and heir. On the 15th, at 43, Bedford Square, the Wife of Dr. Smiles, of a son. On the 15th, at Norwood Park, Lady Edwin Hill, of a son.


On the 10th of November, at Risby, Suffolk, Henry Gerard Hoare, Esq., youngest son of the Ten. C. J. Hoare, Archdeacon of Surrey and Canon of Winchester, to Jane Frances, daughter of the Rev. S. H. Alderson, Rector of Risby. On the 10th, at the Catholic Chapel, Falmouth, Horatio Mary Augusta, daughter of Admiral Francis Temple, to M. Achilles Schmidt, of Naples, son of the late AL G. Schmidt, formerly of the Neapolitan Cavalry, and grandson of the celebrated Dr. Schmidt, Physician to the Austrian Army.

On the 10th, at All Soul's Church, Langham Place, Lieutenant-Colonel Sidney Burrard, Grenadier Guards, son of the late Rev. Sir George Burrard, Bart., of Wal- hampton Hants, to Geraldine Augusta, only daughter of W. J. Richarson, Esq., of 67, Portland Place, London, and Oak Hall, Wanstead, Essex.

On the 10th, at Aberdeen, David Owen Bateson, Esq, of Liverpool, to Margaret, fifth daughter of Sir Thomas Blaikie, of Kingseat, Aberdeenshire. On the 10th, at St. Leonard's-on-Sea, the Rev. John Marten Cripps, Rector of Great Yeldham, Essex, to Mary Ann, third daughter of Sir Woodbine Parish, E.O.M.


On the 6th of November, at St. Petersburg, of cancer, Joseph Platte, Esq., Chief Engineer of the Russian Imperial Naval Dep6t, aged forty-six. On the 11th, at the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, Captain Robert Mordattnt Dickens, Adjutant of the Staff College. On the 11th, at his residence, 15, Cambridge Street, Hyde Park Square, Henry Swinburne Minasi, Esq., his Sicilian Majesty's Consul-General. On the Ilth, at No. 15, Regent Street, London, suddenly, Lieutenant-Colonel John Thomas Croft, late of the Bengal Army, in his sixty-sixth year. On the 12th, Colonel E. G. W. Keppel, of Lexham Hall, Norfolk, and 3, Grange Terrace, Broropton, aged sixty. On the 13th, at Grantham, In the eighty-fifth, year of his age, the Rev. William Potehett, M.A., Prebendary of Salisbury, and late Vicar of Grantham, for thirty- nine years. On the 13th, at Edgbaston, aged fifty-one, Colonel Bamford, Staff Officer of Pen- sioners for the Birmingham Districts.

On the 14th, at 4, St. James's Square, the Earl de. Grey, E.G., in his seventy- eighth year. On the 14th, at his residence, Gatewick House, Charlwood, Surrey, Alexander Fraser, Esq., a Magistrate and Deputy-Lientenant of the County.