19 NOVEMBER 1859, page 19

/int Kis.

WINTER CABINET EXHTBITIO.N. Another small collection of pictures is opened at the French Gallery in Pall Mall, of Cabinet Pictures by British Artists ; and a pleasing collection......

Literary News.

Additions to the long lists of books for the next season still continue to come forward. Thus "The Archmology of Berkshire," by Lord Car- narvon, is announced by Mr. Murray; The......


Several trifles, produced this week, serve to fill up the theatrical record, and it appears we may expect such accessions for some time to come. Save at the Adelphi no success......

Parisian Theatricals.

The old battle of love and honour against fortune is fought anew in a comedy written by M. Leon Lays, and recently produced at the Theatre Francais with the title Le Due Job.......


We mentioned last week that Miss Louisa Pyne had obtained some relief from her excessive exertions, caused by the uninterrupted run of Dinorah, by the production of an opera in......