We Have Received, Through A Recently-returned Visitor In...
the substance of a conversation with an illustrious statesman, which throws considerable lighten the present position of affairs. From the mode in which the communication......
A Mortara Case Has Been Dealt With By The Belgian
tribunals. A M. Moonens, living at Lendelele, near Courtrai, was robbed of his daughter Catherine (aged ten), on the 4th April this year, and as the father belongs to a body of......
Money Market.
Swat EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTER:ZOOS. There has been a steady demand for money all the week, and the Bank rate has been fully supported. It was thought that at the sitting of......
Trittr Fa Fig Rita.
" sare-ntow." Sm—In your last week's number you have an article on "Boat Plates." I have something to say on the practice now prevailing among ship-builders of obtaining the......
New Sewing Machete.
The adaptation of machinery to household purposes, and the minor services of life, is a distinctive feature of the present time ; and we have more than once recorded in these......
The Head Mastership Of Harrow School, Rendered Vacant By The
resig- nation of the Reverend Dr. C J. Vaughan, who has held the appointment during the last sixteen years, has been conferred upon the Reverend Henry Montagu Butler, M.A.,......
Ehotograpiiic Printidtg On Wood.
Mr. W. M. Smith, an American gentleman recently in this country, exhibited to us an invention introduced from America, for the purpose of transferring reduced copies of plans,......