19 OCTOBER 1901, Page 1


THE war news of the past week shows that the enemy have suffered the usual losses in men and cattle. This, as far as it goes, is good, but unfortunately there is nothing favourable to report as to the main movement,— ie., the attempt to surround General Botha and his force. It is not yet certain that he has got through the net, but it is to be feared that his commando, foiled in the attempt to invade Natal, has split up into numerous small bodies which will probably be able to pass the meshes. This means that the hunt for Botha and his colleagues by our mobile columns (or as "fl." would say, mobile tor- toises) will have to begin again. It is weary work, but it must be faced, and there is no sign of any discouragement in the country even at the prospect of another year's war. The dis- couragement that exists comes only from the army corps appointments, and has nothing to do with the war.