Sunday And The Sabbath. By H. R. Gamble, M.a. (john
Murray. 2s. 6d. net.)—On the whole, Mr. Gamble takes the view adopted by Dr. Hessey in his Bampton Lectures of 1860. He holds that for Christians the obligation of the Sabbath......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as haw not been reserved for review in other forme.] Arts under Arms. By Maurice Fitzgibbon. (Longmans and Co. 5s.)—The......
Cietnentina. By A. E. W. Mason. (methuen And Co. 6s.)—
Clementine is a romance of most delicate ingenuity and humour, which reminds us sometimes of Mr. Stanley Weyman, and—dare we say it ?—a little of Mr. Weyman's great master.......
The Alien: A Story Of Middle Age. By F. F.
Montresor. (Methuen and Co. 6s.)—Like Mr. Anthony Hope in "Tristram of Blent," Miss Montresor in The Alien deals with the instinctive attitude of the man born out of wedlock......
Angel : A Sketch In Indian Ink. By B. M.
Croker. (Methuen and Co. 6s.)—To all readers who are not so weary of the Anglo- Indian novel of gossip, frivolity, and flirtation that they will have no more of it on any terms,......
We Have Received The Second And Completing Volume Of 17e
Contendings of the Apostles (Henry Frowde, 25s. net). This contains the English translation, by Dr. E. A. Wallis Budge, of the Ethiopio texts, which were printed in the first......
The Voyage Of Ithaca. By Sir Edwin Arnold. (john Murray,
5s.)—Sir Edwin Arnold has certainly full possession of a secret which most of his younger contemporaries have failed to acquire. He is interesting ; we can read him, not......