A Correction.
[TO THE EDITOR OF TEE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Please may I be permitted to spell my name with one " n "? You have heard of Manx cats; they wear no tails; then why should I, forsaking......
Dr. Krause.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—In your "News of the Week" of October 12th yo u quote certain passages from letters believed to have been written by Dr. Krause, with......
Mr. Asquith On Mr. Rhodes's Gift. [to The Editor Or
THE "SPECTATOR."] Sre,—It is impossible to read Mr. Asquith's speech without feeling that we have indeed lost something in our publio life. Mr. Asquith sees nothing at all in......
The Military Instruction (schools And Cadets) Bill.
[To THE EDITOR OF TEE "SPECTATOR."] Sra,—Commenting on Miss Chadwick's letter, "Military Training in Elementary Schools," which appeared in your issue of October 12th, you say......
Mr. Gladstone And The Rectory Of Ewelm.e.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—The presentation of Ewelme Rectory to the Rev. W. Wigan Harvey was an instance among many when Mr. Gladstone did what he liked without......
A Literary Parallel.
[To TEE EDITOR Or THE 'SPECTATOR'] Sre,—It may be of some interest to your poetical correspoie dent "Presbyter Barbadensis," in the Spectator of October 5th, to know that the......
[to The Editor Or The "spectator:"] Sier - Ad Eundem Had...
place:to the (courtesy) comitatis causi degree for Cambridge and Dublin graduates when Mr. Harvey took that latter degree. And as the incorporation B.D. which Mr. Harvey, also I......
Lord Kelvin And Professor Huxley.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Srn,—It has been brought to my notice that some of my remarks in the review of Huxley's "Scientific Memoirs," Vol. III., which you published......