Ank...1—At Gravesend, Sept. lath, Redman, Anderson. from New South Wales; and 1Silt. Maria, Burton, from the Cape. At Deal, 18th, Henry 'rainier, Ferguson, from Madras; and Prince Regent, Boun,hier. front Bombay. At Plymouth, 17th. Lord Stanley. I Lull, front do. At Liverpool, 16th, Etudes, Smith, from do. At the Cape, Jur, 21st, Mary and Jane, Yinter. from Mauritius; and .24th, Sesostris, Yates, from Lowhat.
Sailed—From Gravesend, 12114 Orontes, Hannie, for Madras; Vansittart, LeAie, for Van Diemen's Land sat Coventry, Porday. fo: the Cape; and 17th, Sanmel Cunard, Iona. Mr ditto. From Liverpool:14th, Mary, Dtigtlale, flu Bengal ; nod London, Major, for Batavia,