19 SEPTEMBER 1835, page 11

Apropos Of Exhibitions. 1ve Wont Again The Other Day To

take another look nut the wonderfully hi a' ti illusive picture of the In- terior of the Cathedral of Santa ( . .rore, at the ' Diorama. It is so ex- traordinary that the effect......

The Tamwortii Tilly3ipetf.11. To Toe F.ditor Of Tiie...

Sir NVIIen did your trumpeter die?" is one of the pithy sayings of the common people which has survived many more brilliant apophthegms and more caustic rept oofs, flow far it......

The Standard Is Opposed To The Attempt To Raise A

subscription for, the Irish Clergy at the Bible festival on the 4th of October. It ap- pears to us that the Tonics, who to suit their own party purposes re- jected the offer to......

East India Shipping.

Ank...1—At Gravesend, Sept. lath, Redman, Anderson. from New South Wales; and 1Silt. Maria, Burton, from the Cape. At Deal, 18th, Henry 'rainier, Ferguson, from Madras; and......

The Theatres.

Tox approach of long evenings and cool weather has given a fillip to the Summer Theatres, which have been languishing during the hot season. The note of preparation, too, which......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANDE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The English Funds have risen since last week, and the market still evinces further symptoms of improvement. The first purchase by the broker to......