19 SEPTEMBER 1835, Page 11



The English Funds have risen since last week, and the market still evinces further symptoms of improvement. The first purchase by the broker to the Com t of I hancery, under the provisions of the 'Nest Indian Indemnity Loan Act, to which we have referred on previous occasions as about to take place, occurred yesterday. The amount invested was 165,000/., and as it is under- stood that this operation will immediately be followed up by others upon the same extensive scale, it must be evident that in the face of the demand thus created, little expectation can be formed of a decline in the price of Public Securities. Bank Stock has experienced a decline of nearly 4 per cent. The usual half-yearly meeting of the Proprietary took place on Thursday, when by the inquiries of one of the stockholders, it was elicited, that in order to make a dividend of the usual amount, the Directors have been obliged to take n0,000/. from the capital of the Corporation.

In the Foreign Market, the Spanish Cortes Bonds have improved nearly 5 per cent. upon the closing price of last week. The last advices from Madrid are of the date of the 7th instant, when M. MEN lii ZABA t had arrived in the capital en his way to St. blefonso; nothing, however, is known of the course which he will adopt on his assumption of the office of Finance Minister. A recent art ival from Rio Janeiro has brought intelligence of considerable fluctu- ations having occurred in the domestic debts, which had declined 4 per cent. ; but as at the same time information was received that the Minister of Finance would be enabled to provide for the expenditure of the year without having re- course to any further loan, the price of the Bonds has not been at all affected. The satisfactory nature of the intelligence frmn Lisbon, by which it appears that the sales of the national property still continue to realize sums considerably above their estimated value, has given firmness to the Portuguese Securities ; which are at an improvement of nearly one per cent. upon our last prices. The Continental European Stocks are steady at previous quotations; some sales of Russian !totals, however, caused a slight depression in the market for those securis ties, which they have since recovered. The South American Bonds are rather higher ; a slight foreigo demand existing for sonic of them, particularly (o Ion Ina n. SATURDAY. TWELVE o'CLOCK.

The English Funds are at yesterday's quotations, with very little business doing. Not a single bamain lets occurred to-day in Bank St ,ek : the nominal price is 2(17 .20s. In the Foreign Market, the Spanish Cortes Bonds have ex- perienced an improvement of nearly I it cent., the price being 41L 4.2. The intelligence received this morning from Madrid is to the 9th instant, at which time the arrangements necessary to the accession of M. MENDIZA RA I. to (Are had not been completed. A report has, however, been spread in the course of the morning that advices to the Isith have been received, stating that the Queen hail :myelitis' the resignation of M. Tort ENO, and that M. .MENDIZ A It at. had been installed Prime Minister ; we cannot, however, judge to what extent this information may be relied on ; it has produced a rise in the Bonds. The Co- lumbian Stock is about per cent. higher. SATURDAY. FOUR o'crorn.

The Consul Market closes nearly as in the mulling, the price for Account being 90L 91. A considerable demand has arisen within the last few days for shares in the numerous railroads now in progress in various parts of the kingdom. The shares of the Birmingham and London Railway are at 40/. a share premium ; the amount of deposit paid upon the shares being only .13a/. A less extensive demand exists for those of the Great Western Rail- way, which are 6.1 71 pm. The Greenwich are at 24 3 pin. The Spanish Stock has continued to improve; the rumours to which we referred in the morning are still current, but have not received any confirmation. A further rise has occurred in Columbian Bonds, the price being 3234. The business trans ieted during the ',afternoon has, vit!' the exception of the operations in Spanish Stock, been on a very limited scale. 3• et. Cent. Consols 901 i Dutch 24 per Cents........ 5:111. g

Ditto for Aceount 90,t, Ill French 3 per Cents — Neu 34 per Cent. Annuities 69,1: Greek, 1823. 5 per Ceuts — Bank Stock 2114 Mexican 6 per -Cents 141 54 Exchequer Bills 1.0 22 Portuguese 3 per Cents ..... 57i (lumina] — Do. Regency 5 per Cent 'c';4 8 Belgian 5 per Cents. ex. the. I; 0 t i Russian. 1822, 5 per Cent 1071 Brazilian 5 per Cents sit; i Spanish. 1821, 5 per Cent.. 421 I

Danish 3 per Cents. '-ik Ditto New Scrip 5 Cent. .. 17; ntilis