Dr. Murray, Catholic Archbishop Of Dublin, Has Addressed...
to the sliorning Chronicle, in reply to certain calumnies of the Reve- rend .Mortimer O'Sullivan. At the late Protestant meeting at Wor- cester, Mr. O'Sullivan said- " In 1825......
Dr. Brinkley, Bishop of Cloyne, died in Dublin on Monday last. The Dublin Freeman's Journal states that the military are not to be employed in the collection of tithes. Mr. W.......
The Orangemen Of Enniskillen Held A Meeting On The 9th
instant, and passed a resolution expressive of extreme delight at the Duke of Cumberland's firm and uncompromising defence of himself from "the scandalous and malignant......
The'following is the result of the Sheriff's judgments in the Registra- tion Court for the county of Edinburgh— The total claimants admitted are (If these there are in the......