19 SEPTEMBER 1835, Page 2

An arrival from Jamaica brings the speech of the Marquis

of Suno on the opening of the House of Assembly of that island. In reference to the crops and Negro labour, the Governor said-

44 The crop of this year has been got off in a much more favourable manner than could have been anticipated, considering the extraordinary change which has taken place in the social system of this colony. That it has fallen some- what short, is undoubtedly true, as I find by reference to the Customhouse returns (one of which, from Annotto Bay, I have not yet received), that up to the let July 1835, 68,001 hogsheads of sugar hail been shipped, showing a di- minution of 4444, or about one-sixteenth in comparison with the previous year ; but 88 I have not heard of a single instance of any canes remaining uncut, this diminution is to be attributed more to the failure of the produce of the canes in consequence of the weather, than to any want of sufficient labour to take

them off I am happy to be enabled to inform you, that so general is the habit of working for wages, and so very few the instances where it has been refused, that the idea once generally entertained of the apprentices being likely to decline labouring at all in their own time, must be abandoned."