O'CONNELL is still the ogre of 1-113's Conservative fancies ; but BROUGHAM now figures in also as the evil genius of the Ministry. The Tory horror of the Corporation Reform Bill is shown by BB's allegorical representation of it as " The - Akichine " (1111 has riot the conscience to write the term " infernal ") ; Lord JOHN being the political FIESCIII' and O'CONNELL and Ilitouc.liANi his confederates. The barrels that burst, one of which bits Lord JOIIN in the eye, are inscribed with the names of PA LGRAVE and Hooc.
Lord BROUGHAM and O'CoNNur.i. as a couple of chairmen, carrying Lords Al ELBOURNE and JOHN RUSSELL ill a sedan, is a good joke, and capitally bit off. The precise action as well tie costume of the chair- inert is given with a ludicrous effect, that is heightened by the cor:_ls. of the lank, bony frame of Bitoccita3t with the burly bulk 'of BRO1'611AM, with a grim askance look at O'CONNELL, excl.-dims, " Pan, this is tough work ; I hope their honours wont fort „ to which DAN replies, " Arn't they intirely depindent or ...in (is? and couldn't We lave 'cm nicely in the dirt this blessed morr.en:,
t if we liked ?" John Bull stopping at the " !louse," and preparing to
swallow the conciliatory measure of " 'half and half" that Lord JOHN, as tapster of the Bedford Arm,, offers to him, is a true picture of the state of affairs e.t present ; and the promises made to him by O'Cox- NELL and J',,SEPII IBNIE of something strcoger another time, give a pretty (-affect idea of the proceedings of next session. The Lords, who talk of cutting John's acquaintance, thus disguise their secret fear that lie will cut theirs.
kill's full-length-and-breadth portrait of " A Remarkable Tail-er of the Nineteenth Century," will be immediately recognized by all who know Major NI ACNAMARA, M. P. for Clare. The Major might stand for the figure of GEORGE the Fourth ; ani that royal amateur of smooth coats might have patronized the honourable tail-er in return.