Dr. Brinkley, Bishop of Cloyne, died in Dublin on Monday last. The Dublin Freeman's Journal states that the military are not to be employed in the collection of tithes.
Mr. W. Bradshaw, one of the witnesses summoned by Messrs. West
and Hamilton to give evidence of intimidation by the Liberals before the Dublin Election Commission, stated some circumstances rather disagreeable to the parties who calred on him to speak on their side. He proved one direct act of bribery, to which Mr. Recorder Shaw was a party, in order to procure the vote of Andrew Hutchiuson for West and Hamilton. This man was paid 31. for his vote. Other persons also, it appeared, received cash for their support of the Tories. A smith, named Dalton, said that lie had received 5/. to vote for O'Connell and Rutliven The Commissioners have determined to. enforce thole order, that
agents of the parties shall not pu their questions to the witnesses , -orally, and that the questions they wish to have answered must be be written and submitted to the Commissioners. In consequence of this rule, the proceedings have been carried on in dumb show. Pre- vious to the enforcement of the rule, an altercation took place between Mr. Woodlock, one of the agents for the sitting Members, and Mr. Joy; and the former presented u protest against the decision of the Commissioners, in which be denied that any act or expression of his had given fair ground for the adoption of the rule ; and expressed him- self desirous always to behave with courtesy to the Chairman, Mr. Haire, and to Mr. sardill, though he admitted he had great difficulty in .conducting himself with common politeness towards Mr. Joy, whom be accused of partiality, and of habitually sneering at the agents who conducted the ease of the sitting Members, There is at present no prospect of a termination to the protracted proceedings before the Commissioners. It is stated that the sitting Members will commence their case in the course of a few weeks.
Mr. Stuart's election for Waterford county is considered certain : he will have the support of the I hike of Devonshire. Mr. Sergeant Wolfe and Mr: Justice Perrin have subscribed PIO/. each to the Cashel chapel and school-house fund.