Lord Brougham has been visitieg Earl Spencer at Althorp, and
was expected to be present at the Of dinner in Edinburgh on Thursday. From Edinburgh it is said that his Lordship will proceed to Dublin, on a visit to Lord Mulgrave.
In consequence of the absence of Lord Duncannon, who left Lon- don for Ireland last week, the Privy Seal, as has been done in former cases, is placed in commission. The Commissioners are, Sir Beejamin Stevenson, Mr. S. March Phillips, and the Honourable F. Byng.
Lieutenant-General Sir Colgnhoun Grant left town on Thursday, for his seat in Dorsetshire, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. .Slteridon. Their departure appeared to interest deeply the feelings of the many spectators who witnessed it, the reconciliation of the gallant General to the young couple not being generally known.—Moraing Post.
Lord Stanley is in treaty for the splendid edifice on Carlton Terrace, It present occupied by the Carlton or Conservative Club, who will remove to their new building in Pall Mall about January next. His Lordship gives up his present mansion to the owner, the Ceuta de Balls, on the 29th instant.
The carpenters and other workmen are busily employed in the lute- nor of the Conservative Club-house , in Pall Mall, particularly on the grand room on the first floor; and the whole is to be finished without delay.—Post. [ This is not symptomatic of Tory prosperity, but rather of' a consciousness that it will be in vain to try another coup tritat this autumn: if an election were anticipated, the Tories would not expend their funds on the Club, house, but reserve them for ear- eying on the war in York, Yarmouth, Ipswich, and Leicester.]
Mr. Henry Baring's splendid mansion in Carlton Gardens has been purchased by Mr. Gladstone, M. I'., fer 80001.
The produce of the sale of the late Earl of Devon's plate, bijou_ terie, furniture, stud, 8te., on the Place Vendome, at Paris, is ex- pected to realize the sum of 120,COOL 'f he Bishop of London preached on Sunday, Aueust :30, in the Episcopal church of Mittel-dam, and on the following day confirmed fifty-one pirsoes belonging to that congregetion.
It was reported 1st vek that Paganini had died at Genoa of the cholera ; but it turns out that the deceased Pagabini was only a brother of the vielinist.
It is settled positively that M. Laporte is to have the Opera-house for the ensuing seasom—Pest.
Mr. Matthew Marehall has been appointed Chief Cashier to the Bank of England, in the room of the late 31r. Thomas Ripper.