The Excise Commissioners have given notice, that the stocks of
wine-trues-hems, who do not also deal in spirits, will in future be ex- empt front survey by Excise officers, and of course from the necessity of ohtainive permits for the sale of wine.
A report having gone abroad to the effect that a member of the Administration had, upon elate occasion, admitted iii his place in Par- limeyt that the Swan River Settlement bud turned out unfortunately, ii deputatioa of gentler wn connected with the Western Australian Assecietion— namely, Mr. C. :Wangles, the Chairman. Coetain late Governor of the Colony, Mr. Horrid:rile, Mr. D. 31-Leod, and t'aetain Thaeker—waited upon Lord rilenelg ohu Monday last, for the purpose of ascertaining what credit might la- due to the same. The parties were, we understand, received with great courtesy by his Loud- 5h1 ', who assured them that he had satistied himself the report in 'c. is perfectly groundless ; adding, for the satisfaction of the tlaa the settle neat had hitherto fully answered Ow expectations his Nleresty's Government originally entertained of it, and that it was still going on favourably.—Pose [What would Mr. Peel say to this ? Iffis tire progress of the settlement answered his expectations? Some people have strange.notions of success.] An inquiry is about to be instituted into the cases of those officers of the Itoyel Merines who are in the reecipt of pensions for wounds from the effects of which they have malrely recovered. Those who are found to be convalescent, excepting always such as have lost limbs it' the service, will, as is now the case in the army, be struck off the list, or be allowed to retire on half-pay, retaining their pensions.
Ti:e james Watt steamer will leave the Thames on Monday, for San- tander, with all the medical departments that are now in England, and part of the commissariat ; the Royal Tar, which was to have conveyed :hem yestr rday, la-log found to require more repairs than were at first thought mcessary. Demehments of the second cavalry, and of the fifth regiment of the Line also embark in her.