The Tories are making a vigorous attempt to give a
political and 0-aoge character to the proposed celebration, on the 4t h1 of next mortal; of the printing of Myles Coverdale's Bible in Fele; the celebration was first suggested, without any political or factious intent-, by the Congregational Dissenters; but the Grand Orange Lodge of' Ireland, the District Lodge of Enniskillen, end the Orange 'fories generally have resolved to be especially Protestant and vyahats on the occasion.
Several broad hints have been given in the newspapere to the Arch- bishop of Canterbury to sanction the " festival ;" hut his Grace seems to hold back, and all the Church of England Clergy, who choose to play the game of the Tories on the 4th of' October, will do so without specie' warrant, though probably with the secret approbation of most of their Diocesans.
From a letter of Mr. Baxter, Chairman of the Town-Clerks who met in Palace Yard to deft-at the Municipal Bill, and which is pub- lished in the Lincoln Gazette, we learn that those worthies are sadly out or pocket by their ti ip, at least to the amount of 1.500/. ; and this sum, Mr. Baxter says, " is wholly irrespective of the personal expenses of the deputation and witnesses of those corporations who are repre- sented in this Committee, which are wholly borne by themselves." Therefore the clique are sending begging letters about the country in order to raise a subscription for their relief. Why do not their noble Recorders " come down" with the necessary cash ?