ou the 3.1 inst., at Edinburgh. Mrs. JAsPER IlAt.t, of a daughter. On the 14 inst. at Gurbainbutry, Herts. the Lady KATiliaLSK BARIUM, Of a sun,
On the 16:11 inst., in Connaught Place. Lady Bovtr, of a son. On the Well last., in Sat il le ilow, the Lady of Or. Ilatour. or a danghter.
On the th la inst., at Hope Ilall, the. Lady of the Rev. C, ft". Witat issue, uf an son.
On the 15th inst.. at Littlebredy Church, in Dursetshire, ARTHUR tirsav DYKE:, SCanitl son of Sir Thomas Dyke Achlatid. Bart., of Killertuu, Devon, to FA NS v, uuly daughter of Robert William:, Esq., of lb iilelwad, Dorset. On the rob jm,it, mt :!4. Mary lebone I lm,ir'lr, Sir .1011ST ItENNIK, of Whitehall Mae.% II) SFI.1 ■0+21IgeSt daughter of the dae Cliatles Garth Colletott. Esq .01 II, •st Bello, an I gram:daughter or the We Riald Bon, Reginald Pule Carew, of Anthony House, C. tit wall. I tat it • tali Diawich him chssipios !fill. E. Mort STTS j 111110;# of Wo'aalti Square. to A rors-ra, aecond dart ..,later tit Isa le I . Esq. Oa the la. at t•hrist Church. Mary lebone, T. Esq.. younger son of Captain Bell. oilrroside Lodge, Westmoreland. to Lou its, may daughter oilhe late J. Wu-nn, Lsq., tit 11 rIton i lace.
(hi the lthi intl.. at Sevenoaks Common, Kent, EIVIA, the (hid daughter of the Rev. ip Ii' Breton, of Calming ht Square. On the 13th inst.. in upper alma Street, MARY, the infant aarghter or sir J ha M. Bur„,uyue, Bart., aged mouth*.
On the 1211, inst., at Voir Oak Lo lg... FasuFates Anausirx, daughter of Itear.Ad spiral Sir Charles and Lady Paget, in lier 11.11 yem. Ou the 12th inst.. at Park House, near Glasgow, HOBERT WALKINullAW, Esq., county of Benfres, in his 79f11 year, On the 1st ult.. at Fisfairs, la Finland. Emicts, with of John Julio. Esq., and second daughter of the late James Lindsay, 11, H., in" Gone flail, near Bow, Middlesex.
On the 7th inst., at her Meese itt Nicholas S.reet, Chester, in het 87th year, A Drxr: Illuvitus. the eltle,t surviving daughter of the late SirJoltulilynne, Bart., of Ilawartlen Castle,,h, On the 17th ins.", at his house in Harley Street, rtonEaT PETER LAURIE, Esq., in kis 3101 year of his uge. On the 17111 inst., at her residence in Piccadilly, II Allearr, wia: of KEA-Pow:GI lIosAiss, Es I. M.P. for Herefordshire.