mented on the wreckage of the coal industry caused by
unwise past legislation enacted directly to benefit the miner, while bewailing the need of repeal and also the inaction of the Govern-
ment in not .having recently accepted battle on what would have been a field of the- enemy's choosing. Writing from.
abroad, I have to rely on memory for reference to a letter of mine,- which you printed in (about) October, 1906, alluding to the disgraceful retreat of a Liberal Government over the
legalization of peaceful picketing, which was, I believe, due to their intoxication with the Trade Unions' professions of good citizenship and of power not to allow a misuse of the new weapon. - May it not be that, eight months hence, Mr. Baldwin will be found as well prepared as Mr. Cook ? and that, if need be, a suspension or reversal of the Trades Disputes Act will be use& to restore to the Trade Unions the authority of which,- through their mistaken exertions, they have become divested ?.
—I am, Sir, &e., LIBERAL, 7 Interlaken, September 91h, 1925.