* . The Tangier Correspondent Of The Times Said In
Wednesday's paper that the Spanish authorities are anxious about the situation of the Spanish force which has disembarked. He adds that the disembarkation, which was successful......
* • The Most Important Advance Has Been Made By
the French who have pushed back the Riffs north of Fez and have brilliantly captured the heights of Bibane. The Spanish, on their side, are threatening Abd-el-Krim's capital,......
Although It Is Well From The Point . Of View
of both France and Spain that there should now be effective co-operation between the two countries—for if there had not been Abd-el-Krim would simply have used Spanish......
News Of The Week
HISTORY has nothing to tell us of any war coin- . - 1 :A. parable with that which. is now going on in Morocco. Large modern armies, equipped with all the latest and most......
* * The Villages, It Is Said, Have Been Bombed
persistently. This seems to be taken for, granted as:a necessary act. It is an evil legacy of German unscrupulousness in the Great War. We suppose it must be admitted that all......
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