The Yanmourn Loan.
In view of the firmness of high-class investment securities, it is not surprising that a fresh capital issue of the gilt-edged character should have made its appearance during......
Index Number/3.
Although it is almost impossible nowadays to take up any important article dealing with financial and economic condi- tions without finding constant reference to index numbers......
Banking In Japan.
Once again the half-yearly financial statement of the Yokohama Specie Bank is an encouraging one. At the meeting held recently in Jain& the directors were able to announce a net......
Cazicd Pitnireas.
Notwithstanding the depression in many of our leading industries, it is quite clear from the reports issued from time to time by various companies that in some industries......
TRADE CONTRACTION. Both in the banking figures and in the official Returns of our Foreign Trade, indications are to be found of a general cur- tailment in trade activity. No......