Cazicd PitnirEas.
Notwithstanding the depression in many of our leading industries, it is quite clear from the reports issued from time to time by various companies that in some industries conditions are fairly prosperous. Even apart from the artificial silk industry, textile concerns generally seem to have been doing fairly well, and the Report of the Calico Printers' Association is quite a satisfactory one. It is true that the somewhat unexpected 5 per cent. bonus recently announced was pro- vided out of the profits on the sale of the French Works, but the reduction in the ordinary trading profits was small and was more than offset by the surplus on the French sales. The balance-sheet also is a good one, the capital assets of the Association having risen by about £100,000 to £5,496;000, while the reserve fund, with this year's addition, reaches the high total of £900,000. * * * *