[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:1 8131,—I should be glad if you would kindly afford me an opportunity of making known to the charitable public the fact that the work of the Children's Country Holidays Fund is being carried on despite the war, and that donations are needed in order to send away the eighteen to twenty thousand children with whom we hope to deal this year. Our local Committees are making redoubled efforts to seek out the most ailing children in the elementary schools of London, in order to provide them with a summer fortnight in country cottages, where they may gain refreshment and vigour of mind and body. In war time we are content to work on a far smaller scale than usual, but we are anxious that a Society such as ours should not be backward in maintaining its due share of the national duty of building up a
healthy generation.—I am, Sir, &c., FRANCIS MORRIS,
18 Buckingham Street, Strand, W .C. Chairman of the Executive Committee.