Mutual Insurance For Officers.
[TO THE EDITOR OF TRH SPECTATOR.1 Sia,—Is it not possible for officers of the New Army to provide, by a system of mutual insurance, against the vicissitudes which may befall any......
Soldiers' Slang.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTITOR:'1 SIR,—The examples of soldiers' slang given in your review of Ms. T. O'Toole's book are for the most part Hindustani expressions, not exactly......
"a Saving Grace."
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR...1 Snr,—With reference to your article in which you advocate the institu- tion of certain days of total abstinence from meat, sugar, &c., may I......
" Mutare Potest Aethiops Pellem ? " [to The Editor
OF THE " SPECTATOR.1 Sin,—It may be interesting at the present moment to recall an avowal on record as having been made by Napoleon during his detention i St. Helena in the......
Economy Through Education.
' [TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOIL'i SIR,—Your note at the foot of Mr. Horsfall's letter on the above subject in your issue of March 18th is clearly the best way of dealing......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator:] Sir,—in The...
"A Saving Grace," in your issue of March 18th, we are told if we fasted from meat on Fridays, as a nation, we might probably save the country £4,000,000 a month. This is hardly......
Prohibition Of Distillation.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.”1 Sin,—In a paper read by Mr Joseph Matins at the Annual Conference of the Western Temperance League at Exeter, September 18th, 1889, he sayi......
A Forecast Of Italian Freedom.
[TO THE EDITOR OF TED " SPECTATOR.") Sra,—The grave has lately closed over Mr. R. Dobie Wilson, whom I knew at Harrow, and who was one of my chief friends at Bailie' and in......
[to Tee Editor Op The "spectator.")
Srn,—I very much appreciate your suggestions about saying—the first practical ones I have seen—and my household and I are imme- diately acting upon them.—I am, Sir, &c., AGNES......