Domestic Life In Rumania. By Dorothea Kirke. (j. Lane. 5s.
net.) —The writer of this volume on a country that is unfamiliar to most of us, thou g h its name is upon the lips of all, has evidently been there, and also to Constantinople,......
KELEAGER.t ROMANCES founded on the basis of the plurality of worlds are familist enough to students of fiction, ancient and modern. Mr. H. G. Welt. • Christ and the Church : a......
Rosemary : A Woman's Calendar. By L. H. M. &debby.
(Lon g mans and Co. la. net.)—A Calendar of Years, not of days, desi g ned to serve as "a diary of our turnin g points" and as a "place for collectin g su gg estive notes as to......
Stories And Poems By Bret Marie. (oxford University...
(h. net.)—This handy edition g ives us over five hundred pa g es of the best- known short stories and a hundred pa g es of verse. There are also seventy-five pa g es of......
Self-government In Russia. By Paul Vinogradoff....
Peg—Whatever Professor Vino g radoff writes, whether of our own law and custom or of Russia, is appreciated by En g lish readers. This last publication, based upon three......
Readable Novsr.s.—the Borderer. By Harold Bindloss....
6s.)—A story concerned with spies and their detection on the outbreak of war.—Private Pinkerton—Millionaire. By Harold Ashton. (Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. ls.)—Stories from the......
The Hague Convention (v.) Of 1907 Respecting The Rights And
Duties of Neutral Powers and Persons in Case of War on Lar.d.--It is well that this Convention should be accessible to the public in black and white. This is the thirteenth......