We much regret to record the illness of Mr. Hughes,
the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth, whose determination and ability have made so great an impression here. He seems to have over- taxed his strength, and is now suffering from exhaustion and a high temperature. We hope that he will soon recover, and will be able again to instruct us on the views of Australia and to draw attractive pictures of the future of the Dominions in the Empire that is to be. Perhaps some Dominion politicians—not Mr. Hughes—think that they make our slow old flesh creep more than they do when they speak for the great self-governing Dominions. They may be assured that the future has no terrors whatever for Englishmen. We recognize that the Dominions are grown-up daughters, and that they have a right to be consulted on all points of Imperial conduct. If the Dominions could plead no right of numbers and wealth, they could still plead the right of valour.